Wednesday, October 21, 2009

BOARD MEETING REPORT- hot off the presses

The board met last night (4 hours ago). Here is a brief report of the highlights.

Ms. Sarah McPhee gave us the teacher presentation about the Antelope Island Field trip and how it integrated several subjects they were learning and presented it in the real world. This was yet another example of 'What is IB?' Check out part of her presentation.

Cindy Moody presented the activities of CHAPS. They have been doing a great job getting ready for Veteran's Day activities! CHAPS membership is only at 37%! Can it really mean that only a third of our parents are actively engaged in their children's education?

The major remaining portion of the meeting encompassed capital expansion plans. The board voted to NOT to implement a 9th grade for 2010 at the current location due to space and time constraints. The board DID approve moving forward with the new expansion. This will include building a 6-9th grade campus of 150 students in each grade by school year 2011. The board is HARD at work looking for land (Can you help with this?), working on bids and researching what will be the best facility. The board has solicited staff wish lists and visited countless schools to make sure we plan the best school for the best price.

Note: There has been some concern voiced that money will be taken from current CH programs to fund the new expansion. That is false! Funding for the new school will be through the new student allotments from the state, bonds and donations. NO money will be taken from the current facility.

Personal Note: Last night a group of 12 dedicated parents gathered after a long days work from 6pm -11pm for free, with hardly a break for pee after countless weekend hours of preparation for the meeting, sacrificing time with their own families FOR WHAT?
GLADLY, For our kids....For Your kids.........

Goodnight. KV


  1. I submit that while 37% is low, it does not mean that is the only percentage involved in our children's education. CHAPS is a voluntary program for EXTRA CURRICULAR activities such as teacher appreciation week and class parties. While we love our teachers, and class parties are fun, parents should not be guilted into paying for these things. I am personally involved on a weekly basis within the classroom and at home with teacher odd jobs. I am a mother of 4, a full-time student and the economy is not letting us feel any financial relief right now. I have already paid for field trips because there is not always enough money in the CHAPS fund anyway. I am grateful to all parents who spend time in whatever capacity they can in an effort to be involved in their child's/our child's education. So, I take offense in the "only 37%" comment. I personally am giving way more than that in time!

  2. Mom of 4,
    I commend and thank you for your involvement for our kids at CH. The fact is there are many parents that do what and how they can at CH and I by no means meant to leave them out. The fact is that the CHAPS enrollment AND volunteerism is lower than prior years. Why? The economy, dissatisfaction, complacency? My question was a rhetorical one (but perhaps a little too provocotive) meant to stimulate discussion or at least introspection regarding this issue. We really want to know where the parent community stands. What do we want out of our school? How much are we willing and able to do for OUR kids? That is part of the reason we are trying this blog. We want comments and interaction such as yours.
    Thank you.
