Thursday, October 29, 2009


Here is a note from Sarah Yerman summarizing the recent visit from the International Baccalaureate Organisation regarding our work towards certification. Way to go teachers and staff!!!

IB Consultation Visit at Channing Hall: A Big Success

The School just completed a consultation visit on Monday and Tuesday conducted by Anne Evans, the regional program manager for International Baccalaureate (IB). She was very impressed with our school, the PYP faculty, and all of the work they have done. She said that our teachers were intellectually curious and recognized that not all schools are as fortunate. During our K-5 meeting and in Anne’s meetings with Heather and Sarah, she shared that she normally does not talk about assessment with schools when she comes for the consultation visit, but that we are very well prepared and ahead of most schools. She strongly recommended that we apply for authorization at the end of the school year and said she saw no reason why we would not be authorized.
She did have some recommendations; most of them having to do with just continuing to do what we are doing and completing several policies and essential agreements that are already scheduled to be completed this year. Some are specific to areas we need to improve but there are very few.
Many thanks and congratulations to the PYP faculty for all of their work, determination, and sincere desire to learn and grow!

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