Friday, December 2, 2011

Channing Hall Holiday Service Project - In Memory of Tomas

Channing Hall students over the last two years have been involved with Operation Christmas Child . Over the past two years CH students have helped send over 300 shoe boxes full of toys, school supplies and toiletries to children in need around the world. What is especially, touching about the project our students are doing, is that it was initiated last year through Melissa Young by Tomas Hollenbach (then in 3rd grade) whose passing we are mourning at this time. Tomas had brain cancer and over the last year his condition had been deteriorating. During this time his poor health but fighting spirit was a difficult but inspiring learning lesson for our students. Tomas exemplified our IB attitude of Caring and our Principle of our students having a sense of their unique calling by contributing to our global community. Even in Tomas's obituary his family carried on this spirit by asking memorial donations to be donated to Operation Christmas Child. Tomas has embodied what we are attempting to instill in our students and we hope they can carry this on in his memory.
Each box had a "card" inserted made by our students
Miss Young and CH students helping to make "cards" to put into the gift boxes

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cultural Awareness Luau

Pacific Island Luau- 

Despite uncooperative weather our 6th Annual Cultural Awareness Family Night, "Pacific Island Luau" was a great success!  We had the largest turn out we've ever seen at this event, with everyone from babies to grandparents there to enjoy the night.  Cultural Awareness is an important part of our IB studies at Channing Hall.  Each year our student learn about the cultures of a different part of the world.  We hope that through these experiences they will gain a better perspective and understanding of our similarities as well as respect for our differences.  

Anticipation for the evening started early in the day with a traditional roasting of a pig, which was set up on the playground for students to see.  The event also included performances from our own students, as they have been learning songs and dances from the Pacific Islands in both Music and PE  We also had a museum of student's island themed artwork created in Art class.  In addition to student performances we enjoyed a ukulele and singing performance from our Middle School teacher, Mr. Marsden,  who lived in the Pacific Islands for a time and from  Channing Hall's Tavake family who wowed us with they're dancing, singing and ukulele performances.  

During the evening there was also a museum with Pacific Island artifacts on loan to us from the Utah Museum of Fine Art, an exhibit of Island information created by each classroom, Island crafts making flower necklaces and decorating butterflies.  There was a tattoo table to teach about the significance of tattoos in the Island cultures.  A traditional wood carver displayed his work and demonstrated how it's done.  There were food tasting tables which included the roasted pig and other traditional meats, rice, fruits and drinks.  

The finale of the evening was a wonderful performance by traditional island dancers who shared dances from many different cultures in the Pacific Islands.  The performance was interrupted by rain and wind, but everyone scurried to clean up and move indoors where the performance continued in the gym.  Those who stayed through the rain were wowed by the grand-finale Fire-dance!

A big thanks goes out the Cultural Awareness Committee; Shauna Brown, Cyndi Moody, Sueann Fraga and Michelle Crowley, the CHAP Board and the many parent volunteers who made this night a big success!  We still have our Cultural Awareness World Travel Day to look forward to in the spring.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

IB Learner Profile in Action at CH

I had the opportunity to capture recent IB principles in play at our school. Sometimes it is hard to remember what those 10 are so I figured if we put pictures to them we can remember them better. Here it is.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Another 2010 Survey Example- CARING

My Channing Hall student is also very caring and a great communicator. She spends lots of time reading to her little brother and involving him in her homework and school projects. I found her sitting at the kitchen table with her little brother, the other day. She was explaining the Koala bear to him. She had done a report on the Koala and was just setting her brother staight with the facts. When I asked her what she was doing she said " I am teaching my brother, so he will be smart and prepared for Channing Hall". Channing Halls program has given her the best start for education and successful learning, that will stay with her throughout her schooling. I feel the IB Attitudes make the students at Channing Hall better people as well as courageous, responsible and aware citizens of the world. They are our future and the leaders of tomorrow and Channing Hall gives them the opportunity to be the best they can be. Thank you and keep up the great work.

Just a couple more days to fill out the survey with your awesome Channing Hall student stories!

Monday, September 12, 2011

2010 Survey Examples- Open-minded

  Have you submitted your survey for Student Led Conferences? Here are some examples from last year's survey to help jog some IB attitude memories.

My Channing Hall student came home from school one day and told us about how unfair it was that the boys had had to come in from recess and clean the classroom in silence. The girls in his class were given the privilege of spending more time at recess while the boys had to clean without talking to one another. I knew that his class had been covering a unit on discrimination. My son was given an opportunity to feel what it was like to be discriminated against. It was a powerful lesson for him in which he had a chance to think more open-mindedly about other people's circumstances and rights in this world. I think it also made him more caring as an individual towards other people's situations. Our discussion at home about his recess experience lead to a discussion about how the Jew's were treated during World War 2, how women didn't have as many rights in our country long ago as they do now and how in other countries today there are women and races that are discriminated against still. The experience he had opened his mind to a world much larger than the one he had only been acquainted with prior to this experience

 Several times, my Channing Hall student, when confronted with statements he didn't agree with from his friends stated that, "It's OK. We can believe different things."

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Meet Our 2011-12 CHAPS Executive Committee

CHAPS Executive Committee
Front Row: Annette Barney, Katrina Bullock, Summer Gordon
Back Row: Dawn Lords, Jennifer Darcy, Kalisa Jenson
CHAPS is integral and indispensable to Channing Hall and what it stands for. The parent volunteers put in tons of work to make some great IB related programs and are great examples of volunteerism and caring. Here is some info from them about their plans for the year and how you can get involved.

The Channing Hall Association of Parents and Students (CHAPS) Executive Committee is excited to be working with the Channing Hall community this year. CHAPS oversees many activities that occur during the school year. 

This year’s CHAPS officers are:
Jennifer Darcy – President
Katrina Bullock – Volunteer Coordinator
Kalisa Jenson – Room Parent Coordinator
Annette Barney – Treasurer
Summer Gordon – Secretary
Dawn Lords – President Elect

During this school year we hope to get to know many of our Channing Hall families as we mingle together at the many activities we have planned. In the upcoming months please join us for many different activities.  We are really excited about the Cultural Awareness family night coming up on October 10. Channing Hall will be exploring the Pacific Islands this year and our family night will be a good night to immerse your families in a new culture. In November, we will celebrate Veteran’s Day by honoring those who have fought for our freedom.  Our committee will also be hosting a free skating night for all Channing Hall families and their friend on December 2 at Classic Skating. In January get ready to read, read, read to help our school earn a visit from a Jazz Player. This is just a small sample of the many activities we plan to have this year.
We look forward to working with you all this year and hope that your families come out and support the fun activities we have planned this year. Remember if you are looking for someone on CHAPS at an activity, we will be dressed in red so we are easy to find!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Introducing the New Board of Trustees

2011-12 Board of Directors: Left to right- back row; Rachal Milford, Michelle Crowley (president), Heather Evans, Eunie Piper, Debra Didier. Front; Matt Haines, Karl Vizmeg.
The new board finally got together for a group photo. We all loved the idea of it taken in the CH playground. We feel it reflects the fun atmosphere and comraderie we enjoy during our meetings and work that we do for CH. We take our roles seriously but yet can enjoy each other's company and tasks at hand. The board is smaller this year, but the work to do is just as great. So we are looking for dedicated volunteers that might be interested in serving on some of our committees. It's a great way to get a better understanding of the behind-the-scene happenings at our school. Contact anyone of us or the administration if you are interested.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Champion Donor Plaque Updated

Channing Hall Donors over $500- 2009-2011
We have the plaque updated with our 2011 donors from the end of last school year. I like to see the trend of increasing names each year. The value that CH provides to our children is becoming more apparent by the increasing giving we are seeing.

THANK YOU ALL WHO DONATED!  (Check it out in the Lobby)

Everyone and every little bit makes a difference.

Let's keep up the trend for this year!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Welcome Back CHanning Hall Families!

It's time to kick off a new year!
We had a partial week of school last week to ease us all back to learning and teaching. The excitement is in the air and determination to make another great year is palpable! We had our first board meeting of the school year Thursday and are very excited for this year. As one of our board members said, "We've tackled major things over the last 5 years, but now we can begin fine tuning what we do." It is really true. We have a lot of small improvements planned that alone may not have the flash of a new addition or field but we hope will add up to a great year for our students.

We want to return focus back to the students. And to begin with we want to highlight some examples of our students. Last year we asked you to give us examples of how our IB attitudes are being reflected in your children's actions. We got tons of great examples that have to be shared. Here are a couple to start with and we'll try to bring new ones up often here on the blog. Let us know what you think, or please share your examples. After all, we are all about the kids here at Channing Hall.


"My Channing Hall student believed that she had been teased for something she truly loves and believes in while at school. That night she put together a talk about respecting others beliefs, tolerance and understanding. This was something she felt so strongly about that she wanted to talk to the class about it. The next day, with the permission of Miss Winnie, she presented her thoughts to the class. I wasn't there to see it, but I'm sure she did a great job and I am so proud of my little risk taker(she was so nervous)."

"My Channing Hall student is a great example of the goals being met and exceeded. When she is afraid and doesn't want to try something new (a new food or a new activity) I often hear her say "I am a risk-taker and I can do this". More often than not she is surprised at how good a new food tastes or how exciting a new activity like a huge waterslide can be. Channing Halls program has given her the best start for education and successful learning, that will stay with her throughout her schooling. I feel the IB Attitudes make the students at Channing Hall better people as well as courageous, responsible and aware citizens of the world. They are our future and the leaders of tomorrow and Channing Hall gives them the opportunity to be the best they can be. Thank you and keep up the great work."

"I was standing with a group of friends at a church-sponsored party recently when a woman I know walked up and said that she wanted to share something. My Channing Hall student had been hanging out with six friends in a corner of the gym where the party was being held. They'd just been introduced to a new girl in our neighborhood--a girl not of our faith and from another country--and had chatted briefly. The girl now stood somewhat awkwardly on the edge of the group when a man who was photographing the party in action asked the girls to pose for a picture. All of the other girls clumped together, leaving the new girl standing 10 feet away and no doubt feeling doubly awkward. My Channing Hall student had her arm around on of her friends just as the photographer was to take the picture but upon noticing the girl, she asked the man to wait a second and walked over to her. My Channing Hall student asked the girl to come get in the picture, but the girl shyly refused. My Channing Hall student then hooked the girl's arm through her own and walked her over to the group of girls. They all posed for a picture with huge grins on their faces.

The woman who told me this story then paused and said, "She had no idea anyone was watching her, but I saw it all. I just hope that one day my (younger) girls can be so caring. That was truly awesome to watch."

While my Channing Hall student is caring by nature, I believe the IB attitudes confirm and encourage her natural tendencies. I really appreciate that Channing Hall stresses the importance of being a well-rounded human being as well as great academics."

Thursday, June 2, 2011

CH Yearly Board Planning Meeting

2011-12 CH Board of Directors
 Karl Vizmeg, Matt Haines, Heather Evans, Debra Didier, Michelle Crowly, Rachal Milford, Heather Shepherd, Einue Piper

Tonight we had the annual CH board retreat. As you can see the theme was the celebration of our 5 years of serving our children. The board for this coming year will be leaner than in the past. Three of last years board members are leaving: Deena Pyle, Angie Lylewhite and Greg Featherstone. We want to sincerely thank them for the incredible service they provided to our school. Unlike the picture shows this was a working meeting and below is the recap of the 4 1/2 hour "retreat".  It is a recap of our past year and our hopes and aspirations for the next.

Channing Halls fifth year of existence has been tremendous! The year started out with completion of the 4000 sf addition to the West side. Then we got IB certification, a beautiful annual giving brick walkway and the most successful fund-raising campaign yet. Internally, in the boardroom (library) the not so evident- but significant- accomplishments included streamlined meetings, important policy updates, an Annual report, and most importantly maintaining our financial stability. Indeed, we were even able to provide the teachers with a much deserved bonus after having their pay frozen the last few years due to the recession.

Now for the next year. Under the professional moderation of Kathy Gowans, the new board brainstormed the needs and goals for the next year. We identified the basis of our success so far- financial responsibility, governing by policy, adhering to our vision statement and commitment to the IB principles. These, obviously, would be the core we will continue to focus on.  But to continually strive to improve and provide more for our children we searched for further goals. This centered around encouraging more participation of our families in the learning experience of our students. The more parents are involved in their childrens education the greater the outcome- mentally and emotionally. To do this we will seek to improve our communication with the families so they know what is expected, what options there are and how to get involved. Parental involvement at school gives the message to our students that we care. If we show that we care what happens at school, they will care to do better.

We are looking forward to working with more parents on our committees and in the school. We hope to develop an informed community of responsibility, caring, and giving at Channing Hall.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Annual Giving Update 2011


We had the best and funnest Annual Giving Campaign at Channing Hall this year! This was our fifth year since opening our doors and we wanted to do something special to commemorate the anniversary. So we decided to give our front walkway a face lift by adding a beautiful brick pathway with MEANING! The pathway would showcase our families, businesses and children as part of our Annual Giving drive.

Here is the chronicle of the events as they unfolded.
Eunie Piper and her great committee of volunteers (Wendi Whittaker, Stacy Conologue, Alicia Riddle, Nicole Hawkins, Michael Stout, Monique James, Karl Vizmeg) spent hours meeting and planning the events, mailings and the multitude of details needed to under take the month long fund-raising campaign.

Then there was the planning and work to place the 22o feet of brick pathway. To save significant labor costs and to engage our community in volunteerism we decided to do the pathway ourselves. The preparation day on April 30 started out challenging after 3 inches of snow had fallen overnight! But most of the volunteers showed up and began to work in the mud and snow with a great attitude. (Volunteers: Mike Stout, Jeff Milford, Eric Whittaker, Eric Hacking, Sanford Barrett, Nicole Hawkins, Lynda Shen, Bo Xiu, Juan Rios, Stuart Zeeh and Karl Vizmeg)
Volunteers started working early in the cold snowy morning

Special Thanks to Mike Stout's in kind donation of Cameron Dirt Works Excavator, truck and Skidsteer

With all working almost nonstop for 10 hours the base was finally ready

The following Friday (May 6th) there was a great turnout to lay all the bricks
Over 240 bricks were engraved!

With a lot of work, dedication, caring and community from our Channing Hall families we were able to raise over $60,000. AND able to leave a pathway (both literally and figuratively) for our childrens future.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

IB Primary Years Program (PYP) Certification- Achieved!

After many years of living and learning IB we have achieved certification! As many staff and students can attest it is not an easy process, but it is worth it! Our wonderful, thoughtful students prove it.

So what does this certification really mean?

The short answer is that we have implemented the IB philosophy successfully at our school.

The long answer is explaining what the PYP IB philosophy is. Here's a start:
The goal of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program is to develop learners who become inquirers, thinkers, communicators, and risk-takers who are knowledgeable, principled, caring, open-minded and well-balanced.

Can you see your CH child demonstrate the above characteristics?

Answering this question is the next step. We need to see and demonstrate the IB principles in our children. Then we will have a succeeded.

Implementing IB is above and beyond the core state curriculum and it takes dedication from everyone- teachers, board, staff, parents AND children- to make it happen. Through this our students will have the best opportunity become great citizens.

Thank you ALL, who so faithfully worked on accomplishing this goal.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


This is the final week for annual giving. We have some sample bricks made up for you to get an idea of what you will get for your donation! They look really sharp and strong! They will leave a lasting impression-literally- for years to come! Come into the front lobby and take a look! Put your order in now! Fill in your donation forms and send them in with your students or drop them off.

Oh and your donation is not limited to just the brick costs, we are trying to raise money for YOUR school for YOUR kids to help THEM. There are no administrative costs in this fundraiser so all the money is going directly to benefit the school. There are not many charities that will give you such direct impact. Please donate to the best of your ability.

Thank You

5 1/2 in x 8 1/2 brick: $500

5 1/2 in x 5 1/2 in brick: $125 or 3 for $300

Monday, March 7, 2011

One Brick At a Time

Forget about politics, Forget about the legislature, Forget about taxes (for now), Forget your anger, Forget your troubles..... BUT


As you must already know it is Annual Giving time and this year it's being built one brick at a time!

In a short 5 years Channing Hall has made incredible strides and achieved wonderful things. Most of it has been due to parents like you and I. From the parent founders to all the volunteers to our great donors, we have done wonders for our school!

Take the opportunity to stamp your name on our school and continue to build it one brick and one donation at a time.

Thank you for all that you've done.................

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's- Teachers!

A Valentine for my Teacher

Every day I come to school;
I spend a lot of time
Learning all the things you teach,
Which is the reason I’m
Sending you this Valentine;
It’s meant to let you know
I’m happy you’re my teacher
And I want to tell you so!
Happy Valentine’s Day
To my favorite teacher!

By Joanna Fuchs

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cultural Awareness Family Night - Around the USA

Wow! What an incredible turnout there was for our Cultural Awareness Family Night, Thursday! The gym was packed with activity, excitement, learning and laughter! This year the Cultural Awareness theme was the USA. It was evident that there was A LOT of work put into the events this year! The planning committee; Michelle Crowley, Shauna Brown, and Sueann Fraga worked tirelessly for months to make it happen. But you could also see that there were MANY other volunteers involved. Also, the teachers and students worked hard to make some great exhibits and to help this great cultural experience happen. This has been a very successful event every year which is rich in IB elements of international mindedness and real life education! And it keeps getting better and better!

Here are some images of the great night:

Great Job of describing the fun stuff in our region!

What a yummy way to experience the rest of our country!

A look at the other side of the country and it's rich history

An example of our indispensable volunteers!

Entertaining and educational experience from the "Spirit Eagle Dancers"

The whole night was a celebration of our patriotism for our nation

Friday, January 21, 2011

Parental Involvement With Child's Education-Priceless

Parents are their child's first teachers. Why should that stop once our children start school? As a matter of fact I would argue that it is even more important. Research studies consistently reveal that high student achievement and self-esteem are closely related to positive parental participation in education. Parents AND teachers need to work together to provide the best for our children. To provide the best opportunity for our children's success, parents must find time to participate in their education and schools must provide the supports necessary for them to be involved. That is why at CH we expect parents to be involved. Yes, sometimes that is not easy-especially in these economic times. But we have single parents, working and going to school that are actively helping at the school.
Below is a list of 50 ways parents can help schools in their child's education. Please look at these wholeheartedly and become involved- for YOUR child's sake.

50 Ways Parents Can Help Schools

The Center for School Change (n.d.) lists the following ways that parents can become involved in schools:

  • Come to school to assist.
    1. Share information with a student or class about a hobby.
    2. Share information with a student or a class about a career.
    3. Share information with students about a country you visited or lived in.
    4. Tutor one or a small group of students in reading, math, or other area.
    5. Help coach an athletic team.
    6. Help check a student's written work.
    7. Help put out a school or classroom newsletter (can also be done at home).
    8. Help sew or paint a display.
    9. Help build something (such as a loft in a classroom or new playground).
    10. Help students work on a final exhibition or project (can also be done at home or workplace).
    11. Help answer the schools' phone.
    12. Help plan a new playground for the school.*
    13. Help plan a theme-based presentation for students.*
    14. Help present a theme-based program for students.*
    15. Demonstrate cooking from a particular country or culture to students.*
    16. Share a particular expertise with faculty (such as use of computers, dealing with disruptive students).
    17. Help students plan and build an outdoor garden or other project to beautify the outside of the school.
    18. Help coach students competing in an academic competition (such as Odyssey of the Mind, Future Problem Solving, Math Masters).
    19. Help bring senior citizens to school to watch a student production.
  • Help arrange learning opportunities in the community.
    1. Help set up an internship or apprenticeship for a student at your business, organization, or agency.*
    2. Host a one-day 'shadow study' for one or a small group of students about your career in business or some other organization.
    3. Go on a local field trip with a teacher and a group of students.
    4. Go on an extended (3-5 day) cross-country field trip with a teacher & students.*
    5. Contact a particular local business or organization regarding possible cooperation.*
    6. Help to create a natural area outside the building where students can learn.

Serve on an advisory or decision-making committee.

    1. Serve on the school-wide site council.
    2. Serve on a school committee that reports to the site council.
    3. Serve on a district committee representing the school.
    4. Serve as an officer in the school's PTA.
    5. Help organize a parent organization for the school.
    6. Help design a parent and or student survey for the school.
    7. Help conduct and or tabulate results of a parent survey regarding the school.

Share information or advocate for the school.

    1. Serve as a member of a 'telephone tree' to distribute information quickly.
    2. Write a letter to legislators about the school.
    3. Write a letter to school board members about the school.
    4. Go to a school board meeting to advocate for the school.
    5. Go to another school to provide information about this school.
    6. Help design a brochure or booklet about the school.
    7. Help translate information from the school into a language other than English.
    8. Help translate at a parent-teacher conference for people who don't speak English well.
    9. Provide transportation to a parent-teacher conference for a parent who needs a ride.
    10. Write an article for publication in a magazine about the school's activities.
    11. Help arrange for a political leader (mayor, city council, state representative, member of Congress) to visit the school.

Increase financial resources available to the school.

    1. Help write a proposal that would bring new resources to the school.
    2. Donate money and materials to the school.
    3. Arrange for a business or other organization to donate materials to the school.
    4. Help with a fundraiser for the school.

Help other parents develop their parenting skills.

    1. Help teach a class for parents on ways they can be stronger parents.
    2. Help produce a videotape for parents on ways they can be more effective parents.
    3. Help write, publish, and distribute a list of parenting tips.


How can I be involved in my child’s education?

Nothing feels better than being there to help your child grow.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Channing Hall helps set world record!

Channing Hall last month helped set a World record in......Speed Stacking!

So how many people were needed to "stack" for a world record?
The final number being submitted to Guinness World Records® for "Most People Sport Stacking at Multiple Locations in One Day" is 316,757 representing 1,627 schools and organizations from 25 countries. We helped make it happen!

Thanks to Rosanne Delaney who organized the activity. She has been incorporating stacking in brain gym to stimulate brain activity. Stacking improves hand-eye coordination and reaction time by up to 30 percent. Sport stacking helps students develop bilateral proficiency equal performance on both sides of the body. By increasing bilateral proficiency, a student develops a greater percentage of the right side of the brain, which houses awareness, focus, creativity and rhythm.