Sunday, February 28, 2010


This week several of our Middle School scientists participated at the regional Science fair at UVU. Congratulations to our Charter School Science Fair winners. We had a great showing and our Wolves did a wonderful job of presenting their projects. They made us proud. The following students are advancing to the Central Utah Science and Engineering Fair (CUSEF) on March 23rd at BYU.

7th and 8th grade: Sasha McKee, Savanah Tiffany, and Jessica Darcy

6th grade: Laura Lords, Lexi Crowley, Meredith Larsen, McKalie Balding, Claire Olsen,, Cameron Kern, Nathan Levesque, Cooper Wiggins, Jimmy Pearson, and Tucker Johnson
Way to go scientists!

Monday, February 22, 2010


Do you or a Friend have a business? Do you know of a business that wants to support education? Do you have a family foundation? Channing Hall would like to hear from them. We can offer businesses opportunities to bring awareness to them, support the local community and provide a tax deduction. Here's how.

1. We will be placing prominently located permanent plaques up at CH with the names of families AND business that donate $500 or greater. This is advertising that will not expire.

2. By donating to CH, businesses can prominently give back to the community that has supported them and help the education of future working residents for the area.

3. Channing Hall is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit- thereby allowing the business to in essence through tax deductions to give to the local community rather than to Uncle Sam.
4. Naming rights for significant donors are available, including library, gym, playground, future expansions etc.

So please donate or pass this plea on to the business you know!


There are potentially other ways businesses may be able to help CH and gain tax deductions and good will. That is by donating services. Here are a few possible needs CH has that business may be able help.

Website production and hosting.

Landscaping/construction services.

Information Technology consulting

Computer services and equipment.

Athletic/playground equipment.

Educational software services.

Media/Journalism/printing equipment and services.

Fundraising/grant proposal services.

Here is a good site that shows even more benefits and advantages of donating services and expertise.

If you think that you can offer a donation or help out please contact any board member (see home website), reply to this blog, or even send in a donation card with your information.

Friday, February 12, 2010



We had a fun-filled educational Tour of Africa last night! This was a great production put on by CHAPS! What great parents we have! Check out the Channing Hall dancers! Who would have known....? Check out some of the nonstop happenings below!

We've got a great, fun family here at Channing Hall! Let's make it a generous one as well!

We are at 10% participation so far! This is good but We need 65% more participation to reach the 75% needed to for the matching $10,000!

Let's take a week off, contemplate all that Channing Hall does for our kids and return in a week, with our Annual Giving check in hand!


Monday, February 8, 2010

Annual Giving Donor Recognition Plaque

This year to give well deserved recognition we will be posting a permanent plaque with all donors above the $500 level! There will be Bronze ($500+), Silver ($1000+), Gold ($5000+) and Platnum ($10000+) levels of recognition. Plaques will be displayed permanently for the years to come. So if you are teetering on how much to give, take a look at these levels and reach for the level you'd like to be recognized for.In order to show that we value volunteerism as well. We will also be developing a yearly recognition plaque for volunteer hours donated throughout the year to CH. The hours have yet to be determined for each level.

This is just another way we want to show our appreciation for our helping families and friends.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Count Down Has Begun!

Here it is! The count down begins! It looks like a tall order but we can all do it together! We have 100% of the board and staff donating! Now it is your turn! By now you should have all received the newsletter with the donation card in the mail. Write down you pledge, write your check, put your students' names on the pledge card, drop it off at the front office and you are done! No more guilt, no more questions, just a sense of satisfaction that your family has done its best to help our great school!

Don't forget; $500 or more will get your families' name on a permanent "Wolverine" Giving plaque in the lobby!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


It is time. This is the time we ask the Channing Hall parents and community for money. Over the next 6 weeks until St. Patricks day we will unabashedly be asking you all to help support our children at Channing Hall. We will be raising funds to help support the 'extra' things that make Channing Hall so great now and to allow us to make it even better! Please look at this as an opportunity to make YOUR child's education better. Together we can help provide each child in our school that extra advantage to succeed in his or her future. Where else can you donate your money and know it will so directly impact your children? And by the way, Channing Hall is a full federal 501(c3) nonprofit, so your donation is tax deductible.

BONUS: If we reach over 75% of our families donating to the Annual Giving drive we will receive an extra $10,000 as a matching donation! To help us reach that 75% participation we are having a school competition offering prizes and incentives for each class that reaches 100% of its parents participating. Keep checking this blog in the weeks to come for updates on how we are doing and more information on the Annual Giving events.