Friday, February 8, 2013

Channing Hall at the Capitol- Charter School Night

Utah Charter Network held its annual Charter School Night on Capitol Hill on Monday, February 4, 2013.  Members of the Utah State Legislature hosted tours for constituents and families throughout the state.  Individuals and families wandered through the building’s corridors and back halls with Utah state legislators as tour guides.   Attendees and constituents were able to visit with lawmakers about General Session agendas and budget issues.
Channing Hall students, parents and board members visited the Capitol to show our support for charter schools. 
Board President Michelle Crowley said, “We had a really great tour of the Capitol. It was terrific!”

Parent, Jenn Wall, explains about the experience and the process of legislation:
It was FABULOUS!  I took my 2 CH kids with me and they couldn't get enough.  The leaders gave a little introduction and then split us into small groups to tour the whole beautiful building.  I have been there many times but had no idea the history and amazing stories behind most of the rooms.  We started in a room where a new Bill gets reviewed for the very first time.  Then we saw the Senate Chambers and even got to sit in the Senate President's office where we got to meet him face to face.  He reminded us of the importance of staying involved and up to date on Bills that can possibly affect our schools and education system.  He was so sweet with the kids and won them over by giving them some candy :)  My appreciation changed that night for what these fine people do for us for minimal pay, and hours of reading and studying each day during this busy legislative month and a half.  

There are some things that the communities of Salt Lake need to remember for sure.  Every time a new bill gets put in front of the Committee, we as the public and people of this State need to be proactive about what these Bills mean and stand for.  More importantly, what it means if it makes its way to the top!   The best opportunity to influence a Bill is during its infancy .  The discussion of the Bill will start in front of a Board and they will give ANYONE there the right to say why they are FOR or AGAINST it.  After much thought and counsel, it then will be passed or declined due to a majority vote of the Board/ Committee.  If passed, it then moves to the hands of the Senate Committee and goes through the same process.  If the Senate signs it off then it will proceed to the House.  After the House's approval it then goes straight to the Governor who can sign it off or has the power to veto it.  

We can all be involved in this amazing process.  Go to to learn more about each Bill and then take a look at their calendar for the day and time you can go and have your voice heard. Take your children there and teach them how laws are born and how grateful they should be that we get to live in a country where we have a say.”

This year there are several bills being presented that can affect charter school funding formulas for the SITLA funds that charters share as well as Average Daily Maintenance (ADM) funding. Our charter association, Utah Charter Network, is working on our behalf to help work towards fair treatment of charter schools. You can follow what they are doing through their website

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