After many years of living and learning IB we have achieved certification! As many staff and students can attest it is not an easy process, but it is worth it! Our wonderful, thoughtful students prove it.
So what does this certification really mean?
The short answer is that we have implemented the IB philosophy successfully at our school.
The long answer is explaining what the PYP IB philosophy is. Here's a start:
The goal of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program is to develop learners who become inquirers, thinkers, communicators, and risk-takers who are knowledgeable, principled, caring, open-minded and well-balanced.
Can you see your CH child demonstrate the above characteristics?
Answering this question is the next step. We need to see and demonstrate the IB principles in our children. Then we will have a succeeded.
Implementing IB is above and beyond the core state curriculum and it takes dedication from everyone- teachers, board, staff, parents AND children- to make it happen. Through this our students will have the best opportunity become great citizens.
Thank you ALL, who so faithfully worked on accomplishing this goal.
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