Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Principle V- An Involved Community

Help fill the Annual Giving pots, now.

Channing Hall governance is based on 6 principles (Click here to see what they are). Annual Giving is a big part of Principle V - An involved community promotes optimal student learning. Parental involvement is a leading indicator for student achievement. That is a big reason, during Annual Giving, that we focus more on high donor participation over total amounts donated. By demonstrating that we are ALL involved, to whatever extent we are able, we provide a signal of our collective commitment to our students.

At this time our Annual Giving participation needs a significant collective boost. I have faith that we can rise together as a community and achieve greater than 95% participation as we have in each of the past years. You have only a few days to make your donations count towards classroom participation goals. Each classroom that fulfills its participation goals shares in a portion of the Annual Giving proceeds to use for supplies and educational materials. Help your child's class by donating now. Help your child's school by donating to the best of your ability now.

Click here to donate now!

Thank You to all the families that have already contributed. You lead by example.

Friday, March 23, 2012

New Solar System at Channing Hall!

Check it out! Channing Hall has been awarded this $30,000 solar panel system through the Utah Solar for Schools program. Through the efforts of our Technology teacher Istvan Berente we now have a direct example to teach our children the possibilities of alternative renewable energy, environmental stewardship and the technological aspects of solar panels. As a bonus we also get a reduction in our energy bill as well.

The Utah Solar for Schools Program  is funded through the Utah State Energy Program which received funds from the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) to install and promote renewable energy and jobs. There have been over 71 public schools in Utah able to participate in this program. Mr Berente is looking forward to integrating the solar panels into his alternative fuels IB unit entitled: “Does bigfoot have a smaller footprint than I?”. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Did YOU Get The Call?

 Did you get called? Did you give? We had our first Annual Giving Give-a-thon last night. It was a great experience and very successful. The eighth graders teamed up with the annual giving committee and from 4-7 pm yesterday made calls to all of our families to ask for donations for the school. You should have gotten a call or at least a message from one of our students.
Letting the parents know to expect the call.

Nearly all of the 8th graders came to help out. They took half hour shifts on the phones. They all seemed to enjoy the calling immensely. And during the time off they had fun playing games and decorating cup cakes!
If you weren't called or were not able to give at that time please go to and "click" the 'donate' button on the right side. It' really easy!
Kaira showing her dad (Mike Stout) that she's got it.
Please stay tuned for more Annual giving activities and help the school out as much as you are able.

Thanks You!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Be Ready For the Give-a-Thon Today!

The call center is quiet now with only Bobby James setting up, but TONIGHT it will be CRAZY!
If you get a call today from 4-7 pm ANSWER IT! Please! The 8th graders will be counting on you! Nearly the whole eighth grade class has signed up to help Annual Giving make hundreds of calls to our families to request and accept donations. Students with the greatest number of donors pledged will be up for prizes! This is a great chance to take a couple of minutes and get your donation completed for the drive. Yes. You can still donate later online and by check but why not just get it done now? Note that if you get a call from an area code of 706 its US! Answer it!

Hope to talk to you all soon!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Annual Giving Committee Champions!

L to R: Bobby James, Monique James, Wendi Whittiker, Nicole Hawkins, Eunie Piper (committee Chair), Mike Stout, Jacki Stout, Stacy conologue, Karl Vizmeg- not pictured: Alicia Riddle, Kelly Jensen
This week is the BIG push for the Channing Hall annual giving drive. The phone-a-thon is this Thursday! But before we get into YOU! YOU! YOU! GIVE! GIVE! GIVE! we need to put out a big thanks for the dedicated volunteers who are on the Annual Giving Committee. These are parents that have been working year round, over the last several years, planning how to get YOU to support YOUR kids through donations. It is a fun group that works well together always stepping up to help in any way they can. THANK YOU Annual Giving Committee!

Now back to you: GIVE! PLEASE?! :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Annual Giving BeatleMania Concert

 Channing Hall Music and the Annual Giving committee teamed up to bring us a rocking Beatles inspired concert tonight. The 8th Grade Choir, the Middle School Band and the Junior Choir performed a colorful assortment of Beatles tunes under the direction of Jennifer Taylor.
 Special guests, Peter Breinholt and Nancy Hanson, joined in later for a couple more jamming renditions. I am certain this wonderful duo left the Channing Hall student musicians inspired.
Then the whole ensemble joined in for a fun sing-a-long of "All You Need is Love".

Mike Stout from the Annual Giving Committee closed the evening off with a brief but poignant message for us all to give what we can to support Channing Hall and our kids.

Keep tuned in for news about the upcoming Phone-a-thon drive March 15th!

Friday, March 2, 2012


You don't have to be Einstein to know that Channing Hall's Annual Giving is indispensable
This week we kick off our annual fundraising campaign for Channing Hall. I think we can all think of many reasons that fundraising for our children's school is important. Things such as- more equipment, more training, more space, more learning etc. But one other important thing to consider in addition to the "stuff" benefit is that it is a demonstration of our community involvement and commitment. Did you know we have a guiding principle for that? Channing Hall's Governance Policy Guiding Principle* V states, "Principle V - An involved community promotes optimal student learning."** By demonstrating our commitment financially as a cohesive community we are contributing to our students' growth. This is a major reason that we have a participation goal each campaign. We encourage everyone to be involved-regardless of amount contributed- to show support for our school. Did you know that we had essentially 100% participation last year? Now THAT demonstrates an involved community!

There are lots of fun, NEW, and exciting events planned by our Annual Giving committee for this Annual Giving season. For details check out this week's HOWL and coming mailings.

*More information on the Guiding Principles is available on the last page of the recent annual report that all families should have gotten in the mail this week.
**Principle V also includes other types of involvement from the community- including volunteerism,  being an ethical, respectful, responsible community.